Friday, September 10, 2010

Miss Almira Gulch

Today was my maiden voyage with the new bicycle, which I am thinking of naming Miss Almira Gulch if I keep it since I feel just like the Wicked Witch of the West's doppelganger when I cruise around on this thing. Plus, I have lots in common with Almira-- people think I am mean when I am not, I don't particularly like little dogs, and I have a penchant for flying monkeys. Anyway, that's an aside, what you want to know is-- how was the ride??? The answer is-- it was GREAT!!! With typical Schaack optimism, by the time I had ridden through the southeast side of Portland, along the river, and over the bridge, I was thinking-- "I don't think I need an electric bike! This is easy!!!" Then I turned into the cemetery and started the long climb up the mountain. The cemetery is beautiful, quiet, and there are no cars. The road switches back and forth up and up and up, until you are deposited on top of the mountain and right in a neighborhood next to the Lewis and Clark campus. The whole ride took me 48 minutes today, but that was not-really-knowing-where-I-was-going speed. I think it would be easy to shave it down to 40 minutes, and might even be possible to get it down to 30 on the way home because of the downhill. Very exciting!!! So far, I am extremely happy with it!!!! However, I have to admit that I rode it around last night for about an hour right when I first got it, and I can tell you my booty is going to definitely be sore for a while if I stick with this. You would think I would have plenty of natural cushioning, wouldn't you? Alas.
Here is Almira right after she was delivered outside my new digs.

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