Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Flashback to July 2009: Summiting Ibapah

Not all that big a leap back in time, I realize... but I just got pictures from the trek up Ibapah Peak (12,1010 ft) and wanted to share some of the summit approach because it is so extremely beautiful. As the highest peak in the Deep Creek Mountains, it emerges from the valley quite abruptly, resulting in a dramatic ascent and an amazing vista once you get to the top. Go climb this mountain if you can!
If you do, you will feel like this!
Lastly, after months of public outcry (okay, okay, ... a couple of emails), I have finally added the commenting gadget to the blog (see below) so I won't hoard the witty and insightful quips I occasionally get (which I love!) to myself anymore.  
If my mom is, in fact, the only one reading this blog (as I often suspect), it will become abundantly clear soon enough, so please feel free to make your opinions on optimism, trailer life, north central Texas, transposable elements, Todd Snider, or anything else you can think of 
known to the universe, just as I do!


  1. Prepare for a rating spike- I just tagged you on BVN!!

  2. Comments!? How exciting! This is my first time posting a comment on a blog! All of my comments will be limited to transposable elements. And eventually being in the visitor hall of fame if I move down there.

  3. Woohooo! Another potential Texan! (and a comment virgin-- ooh la la!) I have to say, I would like Texas an awful lot more if I could get all my friends to move down here so I really appreciate you getting the ball rolling on a mass migration! After that, our governor is welcome to secede, but until then, I'd really like to remain a part of the contiguous 48 ;)

    GP wasn't kidding about that ratings spike! God bless BVN!

    Can't wait to hear more on your thoughts in TEs Linds! I knew adding comments was a good idea and now I know why!

  4. I have so many comments to make I don't even know where to begin!
