Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Avett Brothers

I am going to blog soon for real about this past weekend's conference on the leading edge bigfoot research here in Texas (yes, bigfoot), but I couldn't wait to share something in the meantime with those of you who are already Avett Brothers fanatics like me, and with those of you who aren't yet but should be. NPR is streaming their newest album for free this week, leading up to its release (Sept. 29th). So for the next 2 days, you can listen to it over and over again like I am doing! They were supposed to play Dallas tonight, which would have lit-er-ally made my whole fall, but, alas, it got rescheduled for January. Something to look forward to in the new year, I suppose. Double-wide optimism strikes again!

To listen to one of their old songs that is a favorite of mine, check the top right corner of this page where I have added a new feature to the blog! Now, when I am going on and on about a band, I can post a song for you to listen to so you can tell right away if I am full of it. Efficient, huh? You can listen once for free, and then Lala will make you buy it if you want to listen to it again.

If you like that, and want to hear their new album in its entirety, go to:

Their live shows feel quite different than their studio albums. The album feels like this:
And their live shows feel like this:

This album, like their previous ones, is incredibly good. Unlike their previous albums though, for the first time the songs on this one poke right into my heart and it hurts. But I love it, and hope you do too....


  1. Dear Daughter , Don't get to used to having your heart 'poked' With love from the West MOM
    p.s. you don't have to post this if you don't want to....Mom
