Sunday, August 9, 2009

Summer Nights (Flashback to 2003 & 2005)

Other than drive-in movie theaters and trips to a local ice cream dairy, there are few things that epitomize a perfect summer evening more than going to a state or county fair. I haven't figured out yet if there is a state fair in Texas, or if it is even possible to go given the oppressive, unrecreational heat, but back in Indiana, August always included a trip up to the fairgrounds in Indianapolis with my dear friend Idelle to see gigantic, prize-winning farm animals and a live performance of A Prairie Home Companion at the Indiana State Fair. The first time we went in 2003, relatively early in our friendship, we had the thrill of meeting Garrison Keillor, the host of the show-- he signed our books, gave us ketchup and rhubarb preserves, and made our month.At that show, we also met Rich Dworsky, Tim Russell, Sue Scott, and Fred Newman (the amazingly talented and funny sound effects specialist on the program), with whom we became fast friends. Since then, we have probably seen A Prairie Home Companion live half a dozen times in various places. Not only have we gotten to shoot the breeze and harmonize with GK immediately after the show, but we have had the pleasure and honor of hanging out, joking around, and swapping stories with Fred, Pat Donahue (guitarist is the Guy's All-Star Shoe Band), and Laura Bucholz (a writer for the show). Can you imagine Idelle, my sister Genevieve, myself, picking up the three of them at their hotel after there show, all squeezing into my little car, and heading to the local brewery to have dinner, and tell stories, and laugh-- literally until we cried? It was one of the most fun evenings I think any of us civilians (me, Gen, and Idelle) ever had, and I would like to think Fred, and Pat, and Laura might have had fun too. I have one picture from that evening, taken by my sister-- though I am missing another one that has her in it.... Gen, Idelle-- do either of you have the one with all of us where I look a little too happy? If so, I will embarass myself and post it too.
Other than live performances of radio shows that I adore, there is nothing I like more about these kinds of fairs than a foot long corn dog and a demolition derby. Cotton candy? No interest. Giant pretzels? Too salty. But a foot long corn dog is the greatest gift America has contributed to my culinary bliss and, for some reason, they seem to be the exclusive domain of state and county festivals. The concept of demolition derby is also uniquely american and surprisingly entertaining, especially given that I don't enjoy car racing (they just turn left the whole time!) One thing that shocked me at my first derby (in 2005) was how young the drivers were-- 10, 12, 14 year old boys are sent into battle by their parents and legal guardians to drive a car as hard as possible into another vehicle. I realize it is just good, clean fun, but I cannot imagine allowing/asking/encouraging/funding such endeavors for a kid if I were their parent. Speaking of parents, congratulations this week to Darron and Sarah, proud mom and dad to Jude "the innocent" Alexander Luesse born around this time last week. More on his future demolition derby career as it unfolds....

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