Life in Portland is sweet. I am so happy to finally be here for awhile and enjoy the fruits of this fine town, both literally and figuratively. As you know, one of the main benefits is being close enough to my family to not miss out on exciting events, like my sister's second art show that took place at the local night club in Cottage Grove, a small art friendly town where my mom lives about 20 miles south of Eugene. The bar is called the Axe and Fiddle and it is the kind of place you are as likely to find someone swilling tea as you are to find someone doing a shot-- people of all ages, surprisingly good bands, and an openness to community events that you just don't find at most bars. Like a young women's edgy art collective having an art opening, which is exactly what happened last Sunday. Because I am allergic to cats, instead of hanging out at my mom's place for the day, we spent the whole day at the bar watching it come to life as all the women hung their pieces in what served as the gallery space that night. Gen and Jerm arrived in time for one more scrabble game before the festivities really got underway, and I was just so proud and happy to be there in support of the event. It has made me smile several times since thinking of it....

In addition to seeing the fam, going to shows (excellent effort by
Jared Mees and the Grown Children last weekend, check them out if you are looking for something upbeat and fun to sing along with), and climbing small mountains (Friday's summit, Table Mountain, 3379 ft), I have been entertaining. Betsy McCabe (past inductee into the SHoF) came to Portland for her first visit to the City of Roses. She loves it. We went lalaing up and down the avenue looking at art and trying on one-of-a-kind handmade clothing on Saturday and treated ourselves to fancy dinner Saturday night (fear not, the chicken I ate was named Cliff and I was assured he was happy and fulfilled prior to being sacrificed for my dinner).

Today we went to a bunch a vineyards SW of the city and (mainly Betsy) tasted wine. It was a beautiful sunny day which is also something to savor here this time of year, and Betsy did a good job of tolerating all the people who love my lemon yellow glasses so much that they ask me where I got them and to try them on (this has happened so much, that we actually ran into someone who

I met last week, who loved the glasses, and asked to try them on while we were walking around town). The wineries are interesting and delicious, and after we had our fill, we came back into town so I could get a new raincoat. The sun won't be out forever and a girl has got to be prepared for anything in this town... like accidentally seeing an instrumental rock band with an electric mandolin in place of a lead guitar and a percussionist who can eke out a melody from baby toys (I caught them last Thursday, they're called
Sneakin' Out-- very delightful) or stumbling on a painting of a bushbaby that you almost can't live without (by Julia Jasinski). All of this with a near constant threat of rain punctuated with soul-warming bouts of sunshine-- so happy to have you here in my new home Betsy!!!