I am listening to the new Bob Dylan album which was released yesterday right now and couldn't wait until after I finished listening to blog about how much I enjoy being obsessed with Bob Dylan. The very word obsession implies some type of insatiability-- by I find it very satisfying. The album is bluesy... in the third song he sings about hell being his wife's hometown, which I like. My friends John Paul and April gave me the gift of Bob Dylan on Nov. 11, 2002. I had been officemates with them for years previously, completely mystified by their plane trips (yes, plane trips!) to go see Bob Dylan concerts (and only to go see Bob Dylan concerts). They talked about the dark nights and the light nights. John Paul was clearly involved in some pretty mafia live show trading. All of this finally piqued my interest enough that I decided I had to go see a concert, if only to watch
them watch Bob Dylan. Prior to knowing (and loving) John and April, the extent of my Bob Dylan experience had been singing Blowin' in the Wind in french class in high school (
not very satisfying). So... shortly after I got to Bloomington, we got tickets, someone burned me the aptly named Essential Bob Dylan, I got in the car, and drove to Pittsburgh to see what all the fuss was about.

Seeing Bob Dylan live that night changed my life. I don't know quite how to explain it. He actually sang Blowin' in the Wind-- in a completely different, almost choral, ultra-harmonic arrangement with the band singing along. He played Shelter from the Storm. He played, and I listened, and I watched John Paul and April, and he played, and I could tell I was succumbing to the vulnerability of being in love with something very completely, which was a very foreign feeling for me. It was liberating to like something so much, with no hesitation. Granted, there is little risk in falling in love with Bob Dylan's music-- but still, I had never been a fan of anything before.

After the show, a generous soul/complete unknown said to me, "Tonight was a very special night" and bought me a t-shirt because I think he could tell how starstruck I was. I might be the only person in the world who views becoming a Bob Dylan fan as an entree into the world of risk-taking, but the waltzy version of I See A Change Comin' On that he is singing to me right now reminds me that it is true.
I love him....Thank you JP and April, I love you....Safe travels and welcome home to Zora!
Addendum: For a hilarious review of the new disc and the continual link between Bob Dylan album release dates and apocalyptic events, click here.